
Assignment Description


Assignment - Module One (Attempt 1)


Read Module 1 and complete the "Hands-on" Exercises (brown boxes) within the module.   No need to submit the files from these exercises.

Complete the following exercises at the end of the module (pp. WIN 37-40) - 15 points:

Review Assignment (6 points)

Case Problem 3 (9 points)

Please use MS Word or Wordpad to record any answers to questions in the exercises.   When you save the Word/Wordpad file include the module number, exercise name/number, and your name in the file name. (i.e. Module 1 - Review Assignment - Fernald).

There are no additional data files needed to complete these assignments.

What to do "after" you have saved your work for this assignment... 

When you are finished creating and saving each of the final files for the assignment, use a Zip/Compression program to zip them together into a single .zip file. Click the assignment name/link above and attach your .zip file in the "Attach File" area (you can use the "Browse" button to select your .zip file) .  There is an area to include any comments (keep them brief and please use email for any questions).  Then make sure you click "Submit" to send your work to me.  

Check your gradebook  (in Tools) and when your see a score posted, you can click on the score to view any feedback I've included for you about the lab.


Submission Detail

Submission Text



Happy grading!


Great job.